
目前显示的是 八月, 2018的博文


中国公民持有效的在美居留身份可申请入港许可。 请到香港入境事务处网站下载打印入港旅游签证申请ID-1003A表格,电脑填写并打印申请表格,准备一张近期证件照片、护照原件及护照首页和在美有效居留身份文件的复印件,到我馆签证大厅递交申请。 下载链接:https://www.immd.gov.hk/hks/forms/forms/id1003a.html


我持有美国护照,但是我有中国的签证是2015办的签证10年的有效期,但是因为我的名字改了,办了新护照我现在想要回中国需要重新签证吗?还是带着我的旧护照就可以入境? ——An expired US passport with a valid Chinese visa is good for travelling to China provided it is used together with a new valid US passport bearing the same name, sex, date of birth and nationality. If any changes are made to the above mentioned information on the new passport, a new visa shall be applied. 关于十年签证说明:美国公民可凭载有中国有效签证的过期护照和换持的新护照赴华,但新护照上的姓名、性别、出生日期和国籍信息必须与过期护照一致。如任意一项信息发生变更,持照人要重新办理签证。 鉴此,你需要办理新的签证,两本证件都需要提供原件和复印件,还有改名纸的复印件。其他申请材料照旧。 哪些人需要办理中国签证? 除按有关协议、规定免办签证的情形外,外国人前往中国大陆,均须办理签证。 我是美国公民,打算去中国旅行,需要提前办签证吗? 可以到机场办落地签证吗? 你需要提前向中国驻外国的大使馆或领事馆申办赴华签证,不可以在中国的口岸申请签证。但是,在特定的过境情形下,你可免办签证在特定城市短期停留(请了解72小时、144小时过境免签有关政策)。 我已经办好赴华签证了,但旅行计划有变化,可以在使领馆改签或者延期吗? 签证申请一经批准,不可更改,也不能延期,费用不予退还。如你的赴华目的发生变化,你可以向使领馆递交新的签证申请,再次履行申请手续并交费,已有的有效签证将被作废。如果你已经进入中国,应在停留期满前向当地公安机关出入境管理部门申请改变签证种类或申请延长停留期限,公安机关将依据中国法律和规定,做出是否准予办理改签或延期的决定。 我换了新护照,但旧护照上的中国签证仍然有效,我可以同时使用新旧两本护照进入中国吗?   可以,但前提是你的新旧护照上的姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍信息必须完全一致,如任何信息有变化...

Interpretation of the 144-Hour Visa-Exemption Transit Policy (2018)

Interpretation of the 144-Hour Visa-Exemption Transit Policy (2018) 05-02-2018 Sanctioned by the State Council, Shanghai Municipality, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province, and certain ports in Liaoning Province are to adopt the 144-hour visa-exemption transit policy available to nationals from 53 countries. 1. An eligible passenger can transfer via any of the following ports of entry including Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai Railway Station, Nanjing Lukou International Airport and Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, and stay within the administrative precincts of Shanghai Municipality, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province for 144 hours. 2. An eligible passenger can transfer via any of the following ports of entry including Beijing Capital International...

144-hour visa-free transit policy

144-hour visa-free transit policy From December 28, 2017, the visa-free transit policy has been implemented by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province. The policy applies to citizens from 53 countries who hold valid international travel documents, and a passenger ticket for connecting travel to a third country (region) with confirmed seats and a departure time within 144 hours. Policy interpretation According to the Ministry of Public Security regulations, individuals who do not hold a valid Chinese passport and who apply for 144-hour visa-free transit status should meet the following requirements: I. They must be citizens from one of the 53 eligible countries specified, and hold valid international travel documents certifying their nationality and identity; II. They must have a valid passenger ticket for connecting travel (including an airplane ticket, ferry ticket or train ticket), to a third country or region. The ticket for travel must specify the traveler has a confirme...